No longer an Employee of Amarillo College

Kristin Edford

Thumbnail photo of Kristin Edford


  • MA University of Texas at Dallas
  • BA Illinois Benedictine College
  • MM American Conservatory of Chicago

Previous Positions

Instructor, Music Preparatory, Lewis University1991-08-121996-05-15
Instructor, Humanities, Film and Music, El Centro College2003-08-152010-08-12
Instructor, Humanities, North Lake College2008-08-122010-08-12
Instructor, Humanities, Tarrant County Community College - NW2008-08-122010-05-15

Courses Taught at Amarillo College

Course IDCourse NameTerm
HUMA-1315-002Fine Arts Appreciation2024SU
HUMA-1301-002Intro to the Humanities I2024SP
HUMA-1315-006Fine Arts Appreciation2024SP
HUMA-1315-002Fine Arts Appreciation2023SU
HUMA-1301-005Intro to the Humanities I2023SP
HUMA-1301-002Intro to the Humanities I2023FA
HUMA-1315-006Fine Arts Appreciation2023FA
HUMA-1301-008Intro to the Humanities I2022SU
HUMA-1315-002Fine Arts Appreciation2022SP
HUMA-1301-002Intro to the Humanities I2022FA
HUMA-1315-006Fine Arts Appreciation2022FA
HUMA-1301-DC001Intro to the Humanities I2021SU
HUMA-1301-002Intro to the Humanities I2021SU
HUMA-1301-002Intro to the Humanities I2021SP
HUMA-1315-002Fine Arts Appreciation2021SP
HUMA-1315-004Fine Arts Appreciation2021SP
HUMA-1301-005Intro to the Humanities I2021FA
HUMA-1301-004Intro to the Humanities I2021FA
HUMA-1315-00HNRFine Arts Appreciation2021FA
HUMA-1315-001Fine Arts Appreciation2020SU
HUMA-1301-DC001Intro to the Humanities I2020SU
HUMA-1301-001Intro to the Humanities I2020SU
HUMA-2323-001World Cultures2020SU
HUMA-2323-002World Cultures2020SP
HUMA-1315-005Fine Arts Appreciation2020SP
HUMA-1315-003Fine Arts Appreciation2020SP
HUMA-1315-006Fine Arts Appreciation2020SP
HUMA-1301-001Intro to the Humanities I2020SP
HUMA-1301-002Intro to the Humanities I2020SP
HUMA-1302-DC001Intro to the Humanities II2020SP
HUMA-2323-001World Cultures2020FA
HUMA-1301-004Intro to the Humanities I2020FA
HUMA-1301-005Intro to the Humanities I2020FA
HUMA-1315-002Fine Arts Appreciation2020FA
HUMA-1315-00HNRFine Arts Appreciation2020FA
HUMA-1302-DC001Intro to the Humanities II2020FA

Other Credentials

HUAS 6330 Studies in Visual Arts - American Film Comedy qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301 and HUMA 1315, DRAM 2366
HUAS 6373 Studies in Film - Documentary Film qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301, HUMA 1315, HUMA 2323 and DRAM 2366
HUAS 8305 Research Aesthetics Performance qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301 and HUMA 1315, DRAM 2366
HUAS 6373 Studies in Film - Introduction to Film qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301, HUMA 1315, HUMA 2323, and DRAM 2366
HUHI 7355 Perceptions of the Past qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301, HUMA 1315, HUMA 2323 and DRAM 2366
HUAS 6331 Studies in Music - The Creative Process qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301 and HUMA 1315
HUAS 6394 Creative Performance - Chamber Music Ensemble qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301 and HUMA 1315
HUAS 6391 Creativity Visual Arts Workshop - The Painted Word qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301 and HUMA 1315, DRAM 2366
HUSL 6306 Latin American Literature qualifies instructrion for HUMA 1301, HUMA 1315, HUMA 2323
HUSL 6398 World Literature qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301, HUMA 1315, HUMA 2323
HUHI 7375 Space, Time and Culture qualifies instruction for HUMA 1301, HUMA 2323

Publications, Presentations, Public Works and Awards

New Classic Singers, College of DuPage 1989 - 1996 Artist-in-Residence
Professional Chorus performing six concerts per season including premiere compositions with composers (Alice Parker, Dominic Argento and Thomas Pasatieri)

DuPage Opera Theatre 1990 La Traviata

Dallas Symphony Chorus 1999 - 2008
Performances include:
Mahler Symphony No. 8
Mozart Requiem (soli chorus)
Mozart Mass in C Major (performance at the National American Choral Conductors Convention in San Antonio, TX 2001
Bach B Minor Mass (soli chorus)
Beethoven Symphony No. 9
Brahms Requiem

CD Recordings: Symphony No. 2, Op. 67 (World Premiere), Liebermann 2000

                        A Christmas Celebration, 2000

                        A Christmas Celebration, 2001

                        A Christmas Gala 2004
                        Beethoven Symphony No. 9
                        (live recording with Maestro Peter Claus Flor)

                        Symphony No. 8, E-flat Major, Mahler (to be released)

Certificate of Achievement - In recognition of teaching ten-semesters
El Centro College, August 2006
Certificate of Completion - Urban Education/ Teacher Preparation
 Reaching and Teaching the Male Student (Two Hours of Professional         Development) El Centro College, March 2006