No longer an Employee of Amarillo College

Kerrie Young

Thumbnail photo of Kerrie Young


  • A.A.S. Amarillo College
  • B.S.N. M.S.N. West Texas A&M University

Previous Positions

Nursing Instructor2008-09-012022-09-01

Courses Taught at Amarillo College

Course IDCourse NameTerm
RNSG-1309-001Introduction to Nursing2023SP
RNSG-1128-001Intro to Healthcare Concepts I2023SP
RNSG-1161-001Clinical Nursing Concepts I2023SP
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv AH AM2023FA
RNSG-1128-001Intro to Healthcare Concepts I2023FA
RNSG-1128-002Intro to Healthcare Concepts I2023FA
RNSG-1309-002Introduction to Nursing2022SP
RNSG-1309-001Introduction to Nursing2022SP
RNSG-1309-001Introduction to Nursing2022FA
RNSG-1309-002Introduction to Nursing2022FA
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv Con of Adult Health2022FA
RNSG-1261-001Clin-Trans to Prof Nursing2021SU
RNSG-2263-001Clin-Prof Nsg: Lead/Mgmt2021SP
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv Con of Adult Health2021FA
RNSG-1309-001Introduction to Nursing2021FA
RNSG-1309-002Introduction to Nursing2021FA
RNSG-1362-001Clin-Prin/Clin Decision Making2020SP
RNSG-1247-002Concepts of Clinical Decis-I2020SP
RNSG-1263-001Clin-Concepts/Clin-Decision I2020SP
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv Con of Adult Health2020SP
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv Con of Adult Health2020FA
RNSG-1247-001Concepts of Clinical Decis-I2020FA
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv. Con. of Adult Hlth.2019SU
NFFD-1701-3069Simulation Wkshop (150)2019SP
RNSG-1263-001Clinical-Concepts of Clin-D I2019SP
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv. Con. of Adult Hlth.2019SP
RNSG-1247-002Concepts of Clinical Decis-I2019SP
RNSG-1247-002Concepts of Clinical Decis-I2019FA
RNSG-1263-001Clinical-Concepts of Clin-D I2019FA
RNSG-2262-001Clin-Adv. Con. of Adult Hlth.2019FA

Other Credentials

Doctorate of Education-Nursing Education (Candidate) Ed.D (c)
RN Licensure - Texas
AHA ACLS Instructor
AHA BLS Instructor

Publications, Presentations, Public Works and Awards

2018-2019: Amarillo College Foundation Grant Award for work in Associate Degree Nursing Simulation

Valerie Kiper Leadership Award and Scholarship for Panhandle 25 Nurses Organization-May 2021

Amarillo College Foundation Grant-awarded January 2019: $10,000 award for simulation faculty training courses through the NLN; developing simulation training program and workshop for Clinical Nursing Faculty. Included 30 CEs in the training program; held at Sim-Central with 24 faculty attending.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board NIGP Grant 2020-2022: $145,000+ award to plan, install, train, and utilize a 16-station VR system for remote clinical experiences related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grant will end in Nov 2022. The only VR training system in the Texas Panhandle Region for nursing education. Responsible for writing, administering, and evaluating this 2-year project with collaboration from Dr. D. Hall, my colleague.

GEER II 2023 grant award in collaboration with Mrs. Becky Burton and Mrs. Kimberly Crowley: $188,871.00 Purpose and focus of grant: Continued COVID-19 impact relieve on nursing education, including increasing nursing preceptors, simulation coordinators, and continued development of simulation programs addressing the care of diverse patient populations.

A Case Study: Diplopia In A Patient With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 42(6):E1-E11, December 2010.

doi: 10.1097/JNN.0b013e3181f8a55a



Use of Simulated Pages to Provide Opportunity for Interprofessional Education (IPE) of Medical and Nursing Students and to Improve Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Quality by Dennis B. Dove, MD, FACS, Kerrie Young, RN, MSN, and Lisa Robinson, RN, BSN  presented at SSH-NLN Symposium on Interprofessional Education in Healthcare Simulation, San Diego, CA, January2012.