Sarah Uselding
Program Coordinator - Criminal Justice - Assistant Professor
Criminal Justice Academ Prog
- B.A. M.A.West Texas A&M University
- West Texas A&M UniversityMaster's of Art
Previous Positions
Position | Start | End |
TDCJ-ID - Correctional Officer, Assistant Dog Sergeant | 1993-09-01 | 1996-08-31 |
TDCJ - Parole Division | 1996-09-01 | 2001-08-31 |
Courses Taught at Amarillo College
Course ID | Course Name | Term |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2025SU |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2025SU |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2025SU |
SOCI-1306-001 | Social Problems | 2025SU |
CRIJ-1301-001 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 2025SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2025SP |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2025SP |
SOCI-1306-002 | Social Problems | 2025SP |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2025SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2025SP |
SOCI-1301-005 | Introduction to Sociology | 2025SP |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2025SP |
SOCI-1306-001 | Social Problems | 2024SU |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2024SU |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2024SU |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2024SU |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2024SP |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2024SP |
CRIJ-2328-002 | Police Systems and Practices | 2024SP |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2024SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2024SP |
SOCI-1301-005 | Introduction to Sociology | 2024SP |
SOCI-1306-002 | Social Problems | 2024SP |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2024SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2024FA |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2024FA |
CRIJ-1301-004 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 2024FA |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2024FA |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2024FA |
SOCI-1301-004 | Introduction to Sociology | 2024FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2024FA |
SOCI-1306-002 | Social Problems | 2024FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2023SU |
SOCI-1301-004 | Introduction to Sociology | 2023SU |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2023SU |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2023SU |
SOCI-1301-007 | Introduction to Sociology | 2023SP |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2023SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2023SP |
CRIJ-2328-002 | Police Systems and Practices | 2023SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2023SP |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2023SP |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2023SP |
CRIJ-2314-002 | Criminal Investigation | 2023SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2023FA |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2023FA |
CRIJ-2328-001 | Police Systems and Practices | 2023FA |
SOCI-1306-002 | Social Problems | 2023FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2023FA |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2023FA |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2023FA |
SOCI-1301-004 | Introduction to Sociology | 2023FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2022SU |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2022SU |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2022SU |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2022SU |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2022SP |
CRIJ-2314-002 | Criminal Investigation | 2022SP |
CRIJ-2328-002 | Police Systems and Practices | 2022SP |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2022SP |
SOCI-1301-007 | Introduction to Sociology | 2022SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2022SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2022SP |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2022SP |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2022FA |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2022FA |
CRIJ-2328-001 | Police Systems and Practices | 2022FA |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2022FA |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2022FA |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2022FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2022FA |
SOCI-1301-004 | Introduction to Sociology | 2022FA |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2021SU |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2021SU |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2021SU |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2021SU |
EDUC-1100-001 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2021SU |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2021SP |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2021SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2021SP |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2021SP |
CRIJ-1307-002 | Crime in America | 2021SP |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2021SP |
CRIJ-2314-002 | Criminal Investigation | 2021SP |
CRIJ-2328-002 | Police Systems and Practices | 2021SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2021FA |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2021FA |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2021FA |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2021FA |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2021FA |
CRIJ-2328-001 | Police Systems and Practices | 2021FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2021FA |
EDUC-1100-065 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2021FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2020SU |
EDUC-1100-006 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2020SU |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2020SU |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2020SU |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2020SU |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2020SP |
CRIJ-2314-002 | Criminal Investigation | 2020SP |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2020SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2020SP |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2020SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2020SP |
CRIJ-2328-002 | Police Systems and Practices | 2020SP |
EDUC-1100-015 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2020SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2020FA |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2020FA |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2020FA |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2020FA |
CRIJ-2328-001 | Police Systems and Practices | 2020FA |
EDUC-1100-001 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2020FA |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2020FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2020FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2019SU |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2019SU |
CRIJ-2314-001 | Criminal Investigation | 2019SU |
EDUC-1100-001 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2019SU |
CRIJ-1301-002 | Intro to Criminal Justice | 2019SU |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2019SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2019SP |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2019SP |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practice | 2019SP |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2019SP |
CRIJ-2314-002 | Criminal Investigation | 2019SP |
CRIJ-2328-001 | Police Systems and Practices | 2019SP |
SOCI-1301-004 | Introduction to Sociology | 2019SP |
EDUC-1100-014 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2019SP |
EDUC-1100-023 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2019SP |
CRIJ-1310-001 | Fundamentals of Criminal Law | 2019FA |
CRIJ-2314-002 | Criminal Investigation | 2019FA |
EDUC-1100-006 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2019FA |
CRIJ-1306-001 | Court Systems and Practices | 2019FA |
CRIJ-1307-001 | Crime in America | 2019FA |
CRIJ-2313-002 | Correctional Systems/Practices | 2019FA |
CRIJ-2328-002 | Police Systems and Practices | 2019FA |
EDUC-1100-001 | FYS - Learning Framework | 2019FA |
SOCI-1301-DC001 | Introduction to Sociology | 2019FA |
NFFD-1701-1049 | Lunch/Learn 10-04-19 (30) | 2019FA |
Other Credentials
Credential |
TCLEOSE - Certified Instructor |
TCLEOSE - Firearms Instructor |
CJ 5425 Ethics/Justice System |
CJ 5513 Sem Criminal Justice Administration |
CJ 5514 Seminar in Deviance |
CJ 5517 Sem Crim/Soc Policy |
CJ 5591 Readings |
CJ 362 Statistics/Social Science |
CJ 5588 Statistics/Sociology/Criminal Research |
CJ 5550 Seminar/Corrections |
SOCI 5402 Criminology |
Publications, Presentations, Public Works and Awards
Reviewer, Criminal Justice Textbooks, Prentice Hall Standing Member, Women in Criminal Justice Committee, 2001-Present Member, National Criminal Justice Honor Society Member, Alpha Phi Sigma Member, National Scholar Honor Society |