No longer an Employee of Amarillo College

Larry Adams

Thumbnail photo of Larry Adams


  • J.D. University of Texas at Austin
  • M.A. West Texas A&M Univ
  • 18 grad hrs in Government (Political Science)West Texas A&M University
  • B.S. West Texas A&M University

Previous Positions

Police Officer, City of Amarillo1984-11-241989-08-10
Teaching Quizmaster (TA), Legal Research and Writing, University of Texas Law School1991-09-011992-05-15
Attorney, Working with numerous governmental agencies1992-09-011998-12-22

Courses Taught at Amarillo College

Course IDCourse NameTerm
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2025SU
HIST-1302-DC005United States History II2024SP
HIST-1302-DC002United States History II2024SP
GOVT-2305-001United States Government2023SU
GOVT-2306-001Texas Government2023SU
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2023SU
GOVT-2306-DC001Texas Government2023SU
HIST-1302-DC002United States History II2023SP
GOVT-2305-014United States Government2023SP
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2023SP
GOVT-2305-DC002United States Government2023SP
HIST-1302-DC003United States History II2023SP
GOVT-2305-DC008United States Government2023FA
HIST-1301-DC001United States History I2023FA
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2022SU
GOVT-2306-001Texas Government2022SU
GOVT-2305-001United States Government2022SU
GOVT-2306-DC001Texas Government2022SU
HIST-1302-DC003United States History II2022SP
GOVT-2305-003United States Government2022SP
GOVT-2305-004United States Government2022SP
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2022SP
HIST-1302-DC002United States History II2022SP
GOVT-2305-DC002United States Government2022SP
HIST-1301-DC001United States History I2022FA
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2022FA
GOVT-2305-010United States Government2022FA
HIST-1301-DC012United States History I2022FA
GOVT-2305-DC005United States Government2022FA
GOVT-2305-DC008United States Government2022FA
GOVT-2306-DC001Texas Government2021SU
GOVT-2305-001United States Government2021SU
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2021SU
GOVT-2306-001Texas Government2021SU
HIST-1302-DC002United States History II2021SP
HIST-1302-DC003United States History II2021SP
GOVT-2305-004United States Government2021SP
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2021SP
GOVT-2306-002Texas Government2021SP
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2021FA
GOVT-2305-DC005United States Government2021FA
HIST-1301-DC001United States History I2021FA
GOVT-2305-DC008United States Government2021FA
HIST-1301-DC012United States History I2021FA
GOVT-2306-DC001Texas Government2020SU
GOVT-2306-003Texas Government2020SU
GOVT-2306-007Texas Government2020SU
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2020SU
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2020SP
GOVT-2305-002United States Government2020SP
GOVT-2305-003United States Government2020SP
GOVT-2306-006Texas Government2020SP
HIST-1302-DC001United States History II2020SP
HIST-1302-DC012United States History II2020SP
GOVT-2305-DC008United States Government2020FA
HIST-1301-DC001United States History I2020FA
GOVT-2305-005United States Government2020FA
GOVT-2305-DC010United States Government2020FA
HIST-1301-DC009United States History I2020FA
GOVT-2306-005Texas Government2020FA
GOVT-2305-001United States Government2019SU
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2019SU
GOVT-2306-001Texas Government2019SU
GOVT-2305-DC005United States Government2019SP
HIST-1302-DC002United States History II2019SP
GOVT-2305-001United States Government2019SP
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2019SP
HIST-1302-DC001United States History II2019SP
GOVT-2305-002United States Government2019SP
GOVT-2305-003United States Government2019SP
GOVT-2305-DC005United States Government2019FA
GOVT-2305-DC008United States Government2019FA
GOVT-2305-DC001United States Government2019FA
HIST-1301-DC001United States History I2019FA
HIST-1301-DC012United States History I2019FA
GOVT-2306-001Texas Government2019FA
GOVT-2305-DC006United States Government2019FA

Other Credentials

ACC 5411: Federal Tax Acct II, 3 hrs
CIS 5505: Info Tech/Org Environment, 3 hrs
ECO 5506: Adv Macro-Economic Theory, 3 hrs
HIST 5412: Texas History, 3 hrs
HIST 5469: US Hist 1914-1945, 3 hrs
HIST 5470: US Hist since 1945, 3 hrs
HIST 5476: Age American Revolution, 3 hrs
HIST 5500: Readings in Presidential History, 3 hrs
HIST 5500: Readings in Revolutionary Writings, 3 hrs
HIST 5501: Thesis, 3 hrs
HIST 5550: Sem. US Hist/ 1900, 3 hrs
HIST 6302: Thesis, 9 hrs
Law 132 and 232: Legal Rsch and Legal Writing, 3 hrs
Law 179M, 279M: Leg Rsch-Adv Texas Legal Rsch, 3 hrs
Law 227 and 327: Torts, 5 hrs
Law 231 and 331: Property Law, 5 hrs
Law 279M: Texas Civil Procedure, 2 hrs
Law 297N , 397N: Law Smnr Teaching Quiz, 5 hrs
Law 321: Contracts, 6 hrs
Law 334: Constitutional Law, 3 hrs
Law 354: Corporate Finance, 3 hrs
Law 362L: Remedies I, 3 hrs
Law 376R: Tex Civ Procedure for Litigators, 3 hrs
Law 378P: Tex Crim Proc Trial and Beyond, 3 hrs
Law 380D: Secured Credit, 3 hrs
Law 381C: Const. Law II Brown to Bakke, 3 hrs
Law 382P: Complex Litigation, 3 hrs
Law 385: Professional Responsibility, 3 hrs
Law 386: Federal Courts, 3 hrs
Law 397S: Law Smnr Texas Civ Pro - Advanced, 3 hrs
Law 454J: Federal Income Taxation, 4 hrs
Law 474K: Business Associations, 4 hrs
Law 483: Evidence, 4 hrs
Law 489N: Wills and Estates, 4 hrs
Law 533: US Civil Procedure, 5 hrs
POSC 5371 01: Amer Foreign Policy, 3 hrs
POSC 5374 01: Internatl Law/Organz, 3 hrs
POSC 6096 07: Readings/Research, 3 hrs
POSC 6096 09: Readings/Research, 3 hrs
POSC 6098 02: Graduate Internship, 6 hrs

Publications, Presentations, Public Works and Awards


Adams, Larry G. (2010, 07, 05), American Destiny: Volume I, U.S. History Survey - to 1877, Round Rock, Texas: UT Publishing (E-Book and Materials).

Adams, Larry G. (2010, 07, 05), American Destiny: Volume II, U.S. History Survey - 1877 to Present, Round Rock, Texas: UT Publishing (E-Book and Materials).

Adams, Larry G. (2010, 06), Understanding Texas Government, Round Rock, Texas: UT Publishing (E-Book and Materials).

Adams, Larry G. (2010, 08), The Philadelphia Project: An American Experiment, Round Rock, Texas: UT Publishing (E-Book and Materials).


Adams, Larry G., Joshua L. Adams  eds. (2010) Reader in United States Governmet, Round Rock, Texas: UT Publishing                                          

Adams, Larry G., Joshua L. Adams  eds. (2010) Reader in United States History I, Round Rock, Texas: UT Publishing

Adams, Larry G., Joshua L. Adams  eds. (2010) Reader in United States History II, Round Rock, Texas: UT Publishing

Chapters in Books

Maxwell, Crain, Farmer, and Adams (2005) Texas Politics Today, Mason, Ohio: Wadsworth.

Adams, Larry G. et al (2005) Understanding American Government Third and Fourth Edition, Redding, California: Horizon Textbook Publishing.