Jeffery Kee

Thumbnail photo of Jeffery Kee
Professor - Psychology
Behavioral Sciences


  • Ph.D. Temple University
  • B.A.Southwestern University
  • M.Ed. Temple University

Previous Positions

The Pavilion Counseling Center/Northwest Texas Hospital, Amarillo, TX1991-03-011994-07-30
Temple University Vocational Counseling Clinic, Philadelphia, PA1995-09-011995-12-15
Temple University Community Counseling Clinic, Philadelphia, PA1996-01-011996-05-30

Courses Taught at Amarillo College

Course IDCourse NameTerm
PSYC-2301-004General Psychology2025SU
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2025SU
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2025SU
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2025SU
PSYC-2301-DC002General Psychology2025SP
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2025SP
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2025SP
PSYC-2315-002Psychology of Adjustment2025SP
PSYC-2314-004Lifespan Growth & Development2025SP
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2024SU
PSYC-2301-004General Psychology2024SU
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2024SU
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2024SU
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2024SP
PSYC-2314-004Lifespan Growth & Development2024SP
PSYC-2315-002Psychology of Adjustment2024SP
PSYC-2301-DC002General Psychology2024SP
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2024SP
PSYC-2301-DC002General Psychology2024FA
PSYC-2301-001General Psychology2024FA
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2024FA
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2024FA
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2024FA
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2023SU
PSYC-2301-004General Psychology2023SU
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2023SU
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2023SU
NFFD-1701-2125Rebt Cope In-Out Class2023SP
PSYC-2301-DC002General Psychology2023SP
PSYC-2315-002Psychology of Adjustment2023SP
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2023SP
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2023SP
PSYC-2314-004Lifespan Growth & Development2023SP
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2023FA
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2023FA
PSYC-2301-DC002General Psychology2023FA
PSYC-2301-001General Psychology2023FA
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2023FA
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2022SU
PSYC-2301-004General Psychology2022SU
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2022SU
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2022SU
PSYC-2301-001General Psychology2022SP
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2022SP
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2022SP
PSYC-2315-002Psychology of Adjustment2022SP
NFFD-1701-2098Aces22 Rebt 1PM2022SP
PSYC-2314-004Lifespan Growth & Development2022SP
PSYC-2301-001General Psychology2022FA
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2022FA
PSYC-2301-DC002General Psychology2022FA
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2022FA
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2022FA
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2022FA
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2021SU
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2021SU
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2021SU
PSYC-2301-004General Psychology2021SU
PSYC-2301-001General Psychology2021SP
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2021SP
PSYT-1325-001Death and Dying2021SP
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2021SP
PSYC-2314-004Lifespan Growth & Development2021SP
PSYC-2315-002Psychology of Adjustment2021SP
PSYC-2301-001General Psychology2021FA
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2021FA
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2021FA
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2021FA
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2021FA
PSYT-1325-001Death and Dying2021FA
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2020SU
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2020SU
NFFD-1701-4027Rebt Approach-Coping W/Covid (2020SU
PSYC-2301-002General Psychology2020SU
PSYT-1325-001Death and Dying2020SP
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2020SP
PSYC-2314-002Lifespan Growth & Development2020SP
PSYC-2301-001General Psychology2020SP
PSYC-2314-004Lifespan Growth & Development2020SP
PSYC-2315-002Psychology of Adjustment2020SP
PSYT-1325-001Death and Dying2020FA
PSYC-2301-005General Psychology2020FA
PSYC-2314-001Lifespan Growth & Development2020FA
PSYC-2301-004General Psychology2020FA
PSYC-2315-001Psychology of Adjustment2020FA
PSYC-2314-006Lifespan Growth & Development2020FA

Other Credentials

96 graduate hours in Psychology (Counseling Psychology and Educational Psychology) from Temple University
Baylor College of Medicine / The Menninger Clinic, Postdoctoral Residency in Clinical Psychology
Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists (#003523)
Kansas Licensed Masters Level Psychologist (#0626)
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (#11701)
Albert Ellis Institute - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Behavior Therapy / Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
Wichita Collaborative Psychology Internship Program in Clinical Psychology
Temple University Center for Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse - Graduate Research Assistantship
American Psychoanalytic Association Mentorship Program
CN PSY 0690 Theories of Counseling
CN PSY 0698 Counseling Laboratory
CN PSY 0699 Counseling Laboratory II
CN PSY 0565 Coun In Urban Sch & Agen
CN PSY 0669 Field Work in Counseling
CN PSY 0589 Intro Marriage and Family Counseling
CN PSY 0694 Individual Assessment
ED PSY 0541 Concepts in Human Development
CN PSY 0669 Fieldwork and Counseling
PEP 0507 Interaction Analysis
CN PSY 0590 Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling Psychology
CN PSY 0521 Group Counseling
CN PSY 0593 Career Counseling and Development
CN PSY 0792 Seminar in Counseling Theory and Research
CN PSY 0698 Counseling Laboratory
CN PSY 0795 Seminar and Family Therapy
CN PSY 0797 Seminar and Counseling (Research Design)
CN PSY 0826 Multivariate Research Methods
CN PSY 0792 Seminar and Counseling Theory And Research (Race, Culture, and Gender)
CN PSY 0790 Legal and Ethical Issues In Counseling Psychology
CN PSY 0797 Seminar and Counseling (Advanced Developmental Psychology)
ED PSY 0827 Experimental Design
CN PSY 0793 Seminar and Assessment
CN PSY 0794 Seminar in Group Counseling Psychology- Therapy
CN PSY 0799 Ccounseling Clinic
CN PSY 0697 Seminar and Counseling (Neuropsychology)
CN PSY 0701 Counseling Supervision
CN PSY 0799 Counseling Clinic
CN PSY 0791 Seminar in Behavior Therapy
CN PSY 0995 Internship In Counseling Psychology (2 Hours)
CN PSY 0999 Doctoral Dissertation In Counseling Psychology (18 Hours)
PSY 5423 Abnormal Psychology
SOCI-1371 (Sociology of Death and Dying) is a special needs course for the Mortuary Science program (AAS degree). Please see end of Resume (page 18) for successful qualifying education coursework and work experiences.

Publications, Presentations, Public Works and Awards

Kee, J.A., Johnson, D., and Hunt, P.  (2002).  Burnout and Social Support in Rural Mental Health Counselors. Journal of Rural Community Psychology. E5 (1) Spring 2002.

Kee, J.A. (2000). Rural Mental Health Counselors: Relations Between Social Support, Occupational Stress, and Burnout. UMI Dissertation Abstracts.

Kee, J.A. (January, 2010) Applications of Mentalization and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy In Clinical Practice. Amarillo Area Association of Mental Health Professionals.

Kee, J.A. (October, 2009) The Application of Mentalization and Cognitive Therapy / Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy to Interpersonal Conflict in the Workplace.  Amarillo College Center for Teaching & Learning.

Kee., J.A. (November, 2007)   Applications of Happiness Research to Clinical Practice.  Amarillo Area Association of Mental Health Professionals.

Kee, J.A. (October, 2006).  Gender and Power Issues in Relationships.  Presented for the Amarillo College Phi Theta Kappa Honors chapter.      

Kee, J.A. (April, 2006).  Burnout and Social Support in Rural Mental Health Counselors.  Poster presentation for Southwestern Psychological Association 52nd Meeting, Austin, TX

Kee, J.A. (March, 2006) Classroom Assessment Techniques and Test Construction.  Presented for the Amarillo College Part-Time Faculty Certification Program.  Amarillo, TX

Kee, J.A.  (June, 2005).  Applications of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Depression.  Presented for the Depression and Bipolar Alliance of Amarillo.  Amarillo, TX

Kee, J.A. (October, 2000). Burnout and Social Support in Rural Mental Health Counselors.  Presented at Amarillo College professional development seminar for Texas Panhandle mental health professionals.  Amarillo, TX

Nomination for the Minnie Stevens Piper Award, 2006

Nomination for the Phi Theta Kappa Apple Award for teaching, 2006

Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2005

Nomination for TRIO Teaching Award - Amarillo College Special Services 2004

Departmental Honoree in Counseling Psychology: The Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs Nominee for the 1997 Outstanding Graduate Student Award - submitted by Temple University Counseling Psychology Faculty

Departmental Fellowship, Temple University 1994-1995

Departmental Honoree in Psychology - Southwestern University 1987-1988

Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology

Alpha Chi National Scholarship Society

Blue Key National Honorary Leadership Fraternity