Jeffery Kee

- Ph.D. Temple University
- B.A.Southwestern University
- M.Ed. Temple University
Previous Positions
Position | Start | End |
The Pavilion Counseling Center/Northwest Texas Hospital, Amarillo, TX | 1991-03-01 | 1994-07-30 |
Temple University Vocational Counseling Clinic, Philadelphia, PA | 1995-09-01 | 1995-12-15 |
Temple University Community Counseling Clinic, Philadelphia, PA | 1996-01-01 | 1996-05-30 |
Courses Taught at Amarillo College
Course ID | Course Name | Term |
PSYC-2301-004 | General Psychology | 2025SU |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2025SU |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2025SU |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2025SU |
PSYC-2301-DC002 | General Psychology | 2025SP |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2025SP |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2025SP |
PSYC-2315-002 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2025SP |
PSYC-2314-004 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2025SP |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2024SU |
PSYC-2301-004 | General Psychology | 2024SU |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2024SU |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2024SU |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2024SP |
PSYC-2314-004 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2024SP |
PSYC-2315-002 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2024SP |
PSYC-2301-DC002 | General Psychology | 2024SP |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2024SP |
PSYC-2301-DC002 | General Psychology | 2024FA |
PSYC-2301-001 | General Psychology | 2024FA |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2024FA |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2024FA |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2024FA |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2023SU |
PSYC-2301-004 | General Psychology | 2023SU |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2023SU |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2023SU |
NFFD-1701-2125 | Rebt Cope In-Out Class | 2023SP |
PSYC-2301-DC002 | General Psychology | 2023SP |
PSYC-2315-002 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2023SP |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2023SP |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2023SP |
PSYC-2314-004 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2023SP |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2023FA |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2023FA |
PSYC-2301-DC002 | General Psychology | 2023FA |
PSYC-2301-001 | General Psychology | 2023FA |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2023FA |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2022SU |
PSYC-2301-004 | General Psychology | 2022SU |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2022SU |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2022SU |
PSYC-2301-001 | General Psychology | 2022SP |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2022SP |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2022SP |
PSYC-2315-002 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2022SP |
NFFD-1701-2098 | Aces22 Rebt 1PM | 2022SP |
PSYC-2314-004 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2022SP |
PSYC-2301-001 | General Psychology | 2022FA |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2022FA |
PSYC-2301-DC002 | General Psychology | 2022FA |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2022FA |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2022FA |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2022FA |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2021SU |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2021SU |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2021SU |
PSYC-2301-004 | General Psychology | 2021SU |
PSYC-2301-001 | General Psychology | 2021SP |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2021SP |
PSYT-1325-001 | Death and Dying | 2021SP |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2021SP |
PSYC-2314-004 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2021SP |
PSYC-2315-002 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2021SP |
PSYC-2301-001 | General Psychology | 2021FA |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2021FA |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2021FA |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2021FA |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2021FA |
PSYT-1325-001 | Death and Dying | 2021FA |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2020SU |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2020SU |
NFFD-1701-4027 | Rebt Approach-Coping W/Covid ( | 2020SU |
PSYC-2301-002 | General Psychology | 2020SU |
PSYT-1325-001 | Death and Dying | 2020SP |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2020SP |
PSYC-2314-002 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2020SP |
PSYC-2301-001 | General Psychology | 2020SP |
PSYC-2314-004 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2020SP |
PSYC-2315-002 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2020SP |
PSYT-1325-001 | Death and Dying | 2020FA |
PSYC-2301-005 | General Psychology | 2020FA |
PSYC-2314-001 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2020FA |
PSYC-2301-004 | General Psychology | 2020FA |
PSYC-2315-001 | Psychology of Adjustment | 2020FA |
PSYC-2314-006 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 2020FA |
Other Credentials
Credential |
96 graduate hours in Psychology (Counseling Psychology and Educational Psychology) from Temple University |
Baylor College of Medicine / The Menninger Clinic, Postdoctoral Residency in Clinical Psychology |
Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists (#003523) |
Kansas Licensed Masters Level Psychologist (#0626) |
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors (#11701) |
Albert Ellis Institute - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Behavior Therapy / Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy |
Wichita Collaborative Psychology Internship Program in Clinical Psychology |
Temple University Center for Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse - Graduate Research Assistantship |
American Psychoanalytic Association Mentorship Program |
CN PSY 0690 Theories of Counseling |
CN PSY 0698 Counseling Laboratory |
CN PSY 0699 Counseling Laboratory II |
CN PSY 0565 Coun In Urban Sch & Agen |
CN PSY 0669 Field Work in Counseling |
CN PSY 0589 Intro Marriage and Family Counseling |
CN PSY 0694 Individual Assessment |
ED PSY 0541 Concepts in Human Development |
CN PSY 0669 Fieldwork and Counseling |
PEP 0507 Interaction Analysis |
CN PSY 0590 Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling Psychology |
CN PSY 0521 Group Counseling |
CN PSY 0593 Career Counseling and Development |
CN PSY 0792 Seminar in Counseling Theory and Research |
CN PSY 0698 Counseling Laboratory |
CN PSY 0795 Seminar and Family Therapy |
CN PSY 0797 Seminar and Counseling (Research Design) |
CN PSY 0826 Multivariate Research Methods |
CN PSY 0792 Seminar and Counseling Theory And Research (Race, Culture, and Gender) |
CN PSY 0790 Legal and Ethical Issues In Counseling Psychology |
CN PSY 0797 Seminar and Counseling (Advanced Developmental Psychology) |
ED PSY 0827 Experimental Design |
CN PSY 0793 Seminar and Assessment |
CN PSY 0794 Seminar in Group Counseling Psychology- Therapy |
CN PSY 0799 Ccounseling Clinic |
CN PSY 0697 Seminar and Counseling (Neuropsychology) |
CN PSY 0701 Counseling Supervision |
CN PSY 0799 Counseling Clinic |
CN PSY 0791 Seminar in Behavior Therapy |
CN PSY 0995 Internship In Counseling Psychology (2 Hours) |
CN PSY 0999 Doctoral Dissertation In Counseling Psychology (18 Hours) |
PSY 5423 Abnormal Psychology |
SOCI-1371 (Sociology of Death and Dying) is a special needs course for the Mortuary Science program (AAS degree). Please see end of Resume (page 18) for successful qualifying education coursework and work experiences. |
Publications, Presentations, Public Works and Awards
Kee, J.A., Johnson, D., and Hunt, P. (2002). Burnout and Social Support in Rural Mental Health Counselors. Journal of Rural Community Psychology. E5 (1) Spring 2002. |
Kee, J.A. (2000). Rural Mental Health Counselors: Relations Between Social Support, Occupational Stress, and Burnout. UMI Dissertation Abstracts. |
Kee, J.A. (January, 2010) Applications of Mentalization and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy In Clinical Practice. Amarillo Area Association of Mental Health Professionals. |
Kee, J.A. (October, 2009) The Application of Mentalization and Cognitive Therapy / Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy to Interpersonal Conflict in the Workplace. Amarillo College Center for Teaching & Learning. |
Kee., J.A. (November, 2007) Applications of Happiness Research to Clinical Practice. Amarillo Area Association of Mental Health Professionals. |
Kee, J.A. (October, 2006). Gender and Power Issues in Relationships. Presented for the Amarillo College Phi Theta Kappa Honors chapter. |
Kee, J.A. (April, 2006). Burnout and Social Support in Rural Mental Health Counselors. Poster presentation for Southwestern Psychological Association 52nd Meeting, Austin, TX |
Kee, J.A. (March, 2006) Classroom Assessment Techniques and Test Construction. Presented for the Amarillo College Part-Time Faculty Certification Program. Amarillo, TX |
Kee, J.A. (June, 2005). Applications of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Depression. Presented for the Depression and Bipolar Alliance of Amarillo. Amarillo, TX |
Kee, J.A. (October, 2000). Burnout and Social Support in Rural Mental Health Counselors. Presented at Amarillo College professional development seminar for Texas Panhandle mental health professionals. Amarillo, TX |
Nomination for the Minnie Stevens Piper Award, 2006 |
Nomination for the Phi Theta Kappa Apple Award for teaching, 2006 |
Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2005 |
Nomination for TRIO Teaching Award - Amarillo College Special Services 2004 |
Departmental Honoree in Counseling Psychology: The Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs Nominee for the 1997 Outstanding Graduate Student Award - submitted by Temple University Counseling Psychology Faculty |
Departmental Fellowship, Temple University 1994-1995 |
Departmental Honoree in Psychology - Southwestern University 1987-1988 |
Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology |
Alpha Chi National Scholarship Society |
Blue Key National Honorary Leadership Fraternity |